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类别都市 恋爱













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内容简介:《娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我》简介主角:洛尘杨蜜儿简介:顶级女神大明星杨蜜儿终于跟自己的窝囊废丈夫离婚了。本想着自己的闺蜜会为她庆祝,结果却发现事情变了样!曾经的女神闺蜜们,纷纷对前 夫洛尘情有独钟;当杨蜜儿傻眼,发现自己前夫竟然是一个影帝!超级大导演!顶级电视台制作人!超级歌神!世界首富的时候。“老公,我错了,现在复合还来得及吗?”藏书阁提供娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我最新章节,娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我全文免费阅读,娱乐:离婚后,女神闺蜜爱上我无弹窗广告清爽在线阅读体验!1w0-96064 >>


内容简介:被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《被嫌弃的妹妹》吃饱饱睡觉觉著被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读被嫌弃的妹妹是吃饱饱睡觉觉写的穿越重生类小说兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹》吃 饱饱睡觉觉著兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读猥琐流吐槽向?慢热中长篇,鼻天然呆老爸的再婚对象居然有十三个儿子!有魅力无敌的前继姐日向绘麻珠玉在前,从小生活在老爸各种烂摊子阴影下、“无男友史年龄”的女刺头能否成为一名魔法少啊不!后宫之主?故事发生在原作的两年之后,至于绘麻为毛不是女主,属于剧透范围,麻亲妈请放心。白文,毁原作,慎重入坑于作者是个没有爱与梦想的成年人,灵感时有枯竭,此文不坑,跪谢民那桑的支持,真空小新人昨xmlampxmlamp声明《被嫌弃的妹妹》作者吃饱饱睡觉觉写的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节小说在线阅读,实时同步更新被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节,书友所发表的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节评论,并不代表要看书赞同被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节或者支持被嫌弃的妹妹读者阅读的此观点,我们的立场仅限于传播更多读者感兴趣的信息。如果小说被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节浏览,或对小说被嫌弃的妹妹内容、版权等方面有质疑,或对本站有意见建议请到站务管理区发帖,如果发现《被嫌弃的妹妹》小说最新章节未及时更新请联系我们。如果您喜欢小说被嫌弃的妹妹请支持作者到书店购买正版图书。感谢您的合作与支持。各位书友要是觉得《被嫌弃的妹妹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27925 >>


内容简介:一连生了五个带把儿的老陈家终于有了个小姑娘。小姑娘踩着八零年的新年钟声而来,白胖胖的模样让一大家子人都看着欢喜,五个哥哥更是争着宠她。大哥:我要好好学习,以后做妹妹的榜样!二哥:我要认 真赚钱,以后妹妹的零食玩具我包了!三哥四哥:我要好好锻炼身体,以后谁欺负妹妹,我们就揍谁!五哥:努力地把自己的小饼干塞进妹妹的嘴里……睁眼就被团宠的1w0-26082 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生:从电商到商业帝国】2008年,全球经济危机,次贷危机,各个国家的经济萎靡不振,李东带着12年的记忆,回到2008年。这是一个站在风口上,猪都能飞起来的年 代,李东从电商起家,推动网络行业崛起,布局全球,成为世界大亨的故事。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78751 >>


内容简介:专栏预收《被病娇太子盯上以后》求收藏————本文将于11月6日周六入V届时三更,请大家继续支持【原配hzc,司朝(反派)上位】人人都说,废侯爷疯了之前,给她女儿阮雀谋了个好前程。镧京顾 府高门大户,锦绣荣华。顾二郎高中探花,更是姿容俊逸,性情无双。这样的婚事,可不就是万人艳羡“好前程”?早前阮雀也这么觉得,却不想婚后顾廷康哄骗她,极尽能事地侮她、辱她、逼她,她寸寸让步,信她所嫁乃是良人。谁知最后她的求全,却换来他和美人暗通款曲,就连当年的婚约,也是他的弥天大谎,而今事情败露,甚至连她爹也不愿放过。阮雀万念俱灭,满身狼狈。三年来她仁至义尽,却落得这样下场。她一言不发转身出了顾府,求了那个所有人都怕的修罗。司朝血染西狄王庭,还朝之后,人人忌惮。头一回见阮雀时,他嗜血狂戾。后来每回相见,他都潜入屋堂,为所欲为……阮雀颤着身跪到他府前时,雨珠顺着女子纤直的脖颈没入衣襟,身骨笔直,腰身纤致,本就惑人不浅。偏偏她不知道自己诱人,一张小脸上,神情清清冷冷。他蹲下身,修长的手指摩挲过她娇嫩欲滴的唇角。“阮阮拿什么求我?”下一刻,他终是忍不住,用力将人拥入怀中。没人知道,这一刻他等了有多久。阮雀留下一纸休夫书,消失了。顾廷康发了疯,带着人找了整遍京城也一无所获,唯剩一处摄政王府他不敢闯。那座巍峨的府里头,住着的是他的小舅舅,司朝。传闻司朝手上人命无数,阴晴不定,杀人随心,行止之间血流成河更是常事,是比北狄暴君还狠的角色。他日日墙外徘徊,悔不当初。直到那夜,他被两名侍卫摁在瓢泼的雨里,看屋里红烛晃晃,找寻了多日的人被娇养得明艳动人,温声软语,巧笑嫣然……排雷:1男主偏执疯批;2阮雀和司朝都不是圣母,有立场;3女非男C,顾廷康hzc,司朝上位,HE——————预收《被病娇太子盯上以后》求宠霍暮吟艳绝天下,命格金贵。两年前被钦天监挑中,以贵妃之仪给皇帝冲喜。危在旦夕的皇帝果真因此多活了两年。而一旦皇帝驾崩,妃嫔就要落发出家或者生生殉葬。眼见老皇帝此番难逃劫数,霍暮吟挑起这些年打下的人脉,计划逃出宫美美地活着。薄宣是当今太子,明面上看着光风霁月、谦逊有礼。只有重活一回的霍暮吟知道,他是个疯子,披着兔子皮的修罗阎王。她看过他温润笑着杀死别人的模样,也见过他步步紧逼,呢喃着“姐姐”的模样。霍暮吟决意今生不再招惹他。前世见他孤苦而护他的场景,她都有意回避,尽数缺席。直到离京那日,他跨马扬刀,锋利锐刃挑起旁人的下巴。“孤觊觎姐姐许久了。”“和孤争,他怎么敢的?”“姐姐,还和他走吗?”薄宣白皙的脸上血迹尤新,他垂首吻在霍暮吟唇角,“姐姐,你不想护着我没关系,不许走。”人人以为霍穆吟会 >>




Take Isamu is an elitist 6th grader who looks down at his peers because he is the best at everything he does at school, from looks and smarts, to his luck with girls and his abilities as an athlete. He considers himself to be in the top percent of his age group and is incredibly bored with interacting with the so called normal people. A new student, Kaname Moka, transfers into his school and as she is fairly pretty, Isamu asks her out. Moka mishears what he says and thinks he wants to challenge her, as she grew up boxing. In fact, Moka is an amazing fighter and can even take down 5 middle school boys at once. Although Isamu can’t stand her violent personality and she can’t stand him for having so much pride, they start to grow attracted to each other. But then Isamu finds out that not only is Moka more athletic than him from all her years of boxing, she's also much smarter than him. Will he able to get over his overly sensitive pride and dive into a romantic relationship?

Akuma Na Juuboku

There is a place where anyone can be a princess, it's a Hime cafe, the place where the heartbroken Shiori meets the servant Kisaragi, Kind and cool... a real dream boy, or so she thought. But in real life he's mean and bullies her. There's even rumors about him being a former yankee as well. He's an employee at the cafe and acts completely different at school, but while she is always being teased by the normal Kisaragi, she just can't stop her love for him... Aside from the title, it's a sweet love story for girls.

Yaneura No Majo

From Dazzling Scans: A collection of interlinked oneshot stories, Yaneura no Majou tells the story of students from Sannosan High School as they are preparing for the Culture Festival. • Lilith Asumi is responsible for writing the play that will be performed this year, but struggles to relate to her own characters—especially that of Lilith the Witch—until she reflects on her relationship between her childhood friend Asami. • Ground Woodpecker Michi loves fortune telling, but when she helps her childhood friend Satoshi with his crush on fellow classmate Mikako by performing a magic trick, something seems strange. Her magic actually works! Satoshi begins to change and even gets the girl; however, Michi becomes obsessed with the bird that she saw while performing the trick... and she joins the bird watching club in order to find it again. • Eve Suzuki Mie is the president of the bird watching club and is assigned to put the yearbook together with committee member and star of this year's play, Kawahara Hisaki—who plays Adam. After getting to know each other, Hisaki-kun discovers that Mie is dating a girl: also named Suzuki Mie, the girl who has been cast in the role of Eve in the play. • Lilith and Venus Mikako has always envied her older sister's relationship with her boyfriend Motomu-kun. Thus, the beautiful Mikako begins dating Satoshi, who seems to possess similar qualities to Motomu. However, when she finds that they aren't so similar after all, she's faced with a crisis. • After Mary, It's Eve and Pandora Rieko, after hearing that Asami is single, confesses to him even though she knows he just broke up with a girl he liked for a long time. After a series of events, she ends up opening the Pandora's Box that she received from her father when she was young. She believes this to be the cause of a series of disasters that happens, but ultimately she's left with...?

Stopper Busujima

From MangaScreener: A professional baseball manga by Harold Sakuishi, the author of Beck. Taiko Busujima is a powerful young pitcher looking to make it into the Japanese big leagues, but what he didn't count on was being signed to the Keihin Athletics, the cheapest and worst team in the league. Can he help turn the Athletics around and (gasp) win the pennant? A gripping, edge-of-your-seat story loaded with Sakuishi's brand of wacky humor.


Assholeology. summary: Assholeology. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Assholeology.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rinkitink in Oz

Rinkitink in Oz summary: Rinkitink in Oz summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rinkitink in Oz. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai summary: Five people summoned to another world to battle the demon lord who threatens that world. However, there were only supposed to be four heroes that were summoned; the other was an innocent bystander. What will the innocent bystander do next?

My Impressions of America

My Impressions of America summary: My Impressions of America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Impressions of America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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