




简介“你知道尸体可以卖钱吗?年代越久价格越高哦!”“那等什么!盗墓贩尸去啊!” 西王古墓,唐朝藩王墓,尸王,鬼医,蛊毒,墓中的神秘秘境……这次,我们可能踏上了一条不归路!


















简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 黄》:本篇讲述了附身于神秘男子摩泰坤身上的黄神为保护世界而继续战斗的故事!(每周二、周六更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——灰/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294










内容简介:【互扒马甲打脸虐渣双洁甜宠】矜贵禁欲财阀大佬VS又美又飒苏爽少女初见在乡下生活十八年,高中休学,不学无术,有朝一日亲生父亲找上门竟要抽她的骨髓。财阀大佬替她撑腰:“她是我的人,我看谁敢 欺负!”重读高三,父亲警告她,让她滚回她的吉祥村,不要给他丢人。财阀大佬找到校长:“紧急联系人填我的手机号。”名媛千金对她恨之入骨,设计陷害她,嘲笑她攀了1w0-89799 >>


内容简介:大宅门里是非多,继母姐姐虎视眈眈,要能嫁得满意,难;嫁得满意,要丈夫一心一意,那更是难上加难这是一个外表温婉内心坚强的女子如何在大宅门里让自己活得舒服的故事。本文开头有些虐,可前边不虐 后边不爽啊,菇凉们!1w0-99974 >>


内容简介:【打滚求收藏,晚上9点更新】封黎死后才知道自己是一本渣贱文中的反派炮灰,被渣男当成白月光的替身,最后不得好死。然后,他穿越了。帝国高级钢琴师、奥斯卡影帝、皇家御用画家、星际最强者完成十 八个世界的逆袭任务后他又穿回来了。酒吧里,他被泼酒水被众人嘲笑为乞丐,渣男却护着白月光扇他耳光让他滚。封黎呵呵一笑。这一次,他要贯彻恶毒反派之名!踹渣男、打脸白莲花、抢男人、走上人生巅峰!等等,怎么一上来就把渣攻那白月光都搞不定的男神给睡了?这位大他十四岁的禁欲系老男人大概是八辈子没开过荤,挽起袖子对他进行全方位无死角的“关爱”。从那以后,这位傅叔叔开始每天压着他做做作业,按头教育思想品德,好好学习天天向上。情人节,傅君和带着封黎去了酒店。傅君和:小家伙,被子下有惊喜。封黎:哟,叔叔,没想到你喜欢这种……《五年高考三年模拟》!?傅君和:小朋友就要有小朋友的亚子。封黎:???别的情侣在419,而他们在做卷子。封黎:不是,做卷子没什么,但一边做一边被做就过分了吧!?论如何把一个不良叛逆少年改造成社会主义接班人————————狼系诱受x老干部禁欲攻明骚x闷骚组合爽文,沙雕甜PS:内有渣攻追妻火葬场情节当然了,追不上————————排雷:1、现代架空,同性可婚背景,先睡后爱2、攻32岁,受18岁3、没啥逻辑4、没啥文笔5、爽就完事1w0-33916 >>


内容简介:《先锋》是岑寨散人精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新先锋最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的先锋评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持先锋读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《先锋》 还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w21550-28300 >>


内容简介:一遭身死意外穿越到了喜轿上?陆云瑶一脸懵逼。这是什么情况?我是谁?我在哪儿?我在出嫁的路上?穿来就成了病秧子的王妃可还行?意不意外?惊不惊喜?刺不刺激?陆云瑶表示:“这分明是个活阎王! 很意外,很受惊,很刺激!”慕容漠:“王妃可是对本王有意见?”陆云瑶内心的小人翻白眼:意见大了。陆云瑶本体笑眯眯:“哪敢哪敢?那个,王爷你要不要考虑换个王妃?”PS:逗比文风,轻松随意,只为逗你一笑,切莫较真儿。企鹅裙:五五二四零一二八九如果您喜欢代嫁王妃不得闲,别忘记分享给朋友作者:雪暖醉卿酒所写的《代嫁王妃不得闲》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84908 >>


内容简介:秦平带着侄子在公园里散步,一只未栓绳的大狗突然扑向侄子。 他打断狗腿,撵跑大狗,没成想大狗是明星所养。 明星为了报复,在网络造谣,却把秦平的国士身份给曝露了。 【他是特星院士勋章获得者 ,凭什么被你一个戏子诬陷?】 身份曝光,人们才得知。 他研制出5nm光刻机,打破国外垄断。 他研制抗癌纳米颗粒,解救民众于水火。 他,秦平,为国为民,无双国士。1w0-3339 >>

Hakuouki Junrenka

Based on a popular otome game, Hakuouki follows Chizuru and the Shinsengumi in an alternate reality. Chizuru travels to Kyoto in search of her missing father but after being involved in an incident, ended up being taken in by the Shinsengumi where she meets the members including the famous Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soshi. Chizuru’s father was conducting government research for strengthening the Shinsengumi and developed the ochimizu. The ochimizu is a formula that gives demon like strength and regeneration effects but once taken, the user experiences extreme pain and eventually turns into a blood hungry monster. In an attempt to defend Chizuru, Hijikata takes the ochimizu and although the situation was saved, he is now affected with the illness. Okita is also forced to take the formula when his tuberculosis prevents him from defending Chizuru and himself. Feeling responsible for their actions, Chizuru must fight her feeling of helplessness and find the courage to support the Shinsengumi.

Bijo To Chinjuu

PWP. It's about these two veterinarians who love animals... really love animals. Basic jealousy/kiss-and-make-up/happy fluffiness kind of story ^^; BARELY any angst. It's kinda funny to see one of the characters become jealous because his partner is affectionate toward the animals. This story's like a quick detour from Deep Flower huh? There's three chapters to this story and half the time is talking about when they were in school and how they met, the other half is their present-day-time working in the clinic. =P Enjoy! [Taken from YMT]

Oath To Love & Passion

Love is Blind...it's also bloodthirsty and has one hell of a sense of humor. Sa Rang and Jung Yul are identical twin sisters who couldn't be more different. One is sweet and introspective, while the other is a manipulative harpy. Nan Soo and Yoo Shin are best friends who aren't that much alike either. One is a hot-headed jock while the other is an intelligent pessimist. When love comes to town, the lives of these four teens are turned upside down when rotating attractions, comedic misunderstandings, and general chaos force them to reconsider everything they've ever known about relationships, trust, and the frailties of the human heart. Fortunately, none of them knew very much in the first place.

Mahou Shoujo Taisen

Mahou Shoujo Taisen summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mahou Shoujo Taisen. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fifteen Years Of Waiting For Migratory Birds

Fifteen Years Of Waiting For Migratory Birds summary: Fifteen Years Of Waiting For Migratory Birds summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fifteen Years Of Waiting For Migratory Birds. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Spirit Gate

Spirit Gate summary: Spirit Gate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Spirit Gate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fantastic Journeys Through The Stars

Fantastic Journeys Through The Stars summary: Fantastic Journeys Through The Stars summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fantastic Journeys Through The Stars. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Friars in the Philippines

The Friars in the Philippines summary: The Friars in the Philippines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Friars in the Philippines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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