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漫威VS卡普空: 两个世界的命运

《漫威VS卡普空3》前传漫画!The Earths Mightiest Heroes are all here!Who will rise to the Top?!












内容简介:睡棺材是种什么样的的体验?棺材,也称寿棺,或者叫做寿枋,有的地方叫做四块半,专门用来承载人的遗体。材质多种多样,有松、楠木、桐木、柏木。在我这里,你总能找到适合自己的棺材。1w0-73 025 >>


内容简介:她曾是受人供奉的佛宝,一朝被魔头挟持为脊中刀,忝为魔头的顶梁柱尚能胜任,要替他冷刀杀戮,阿弥陀佛……这成何体统?……他曾是小国太子,朝臣权贵变着法儿让他腾东宫之位。太子不好当,那就去做 官,却得了断案如神的美誉。朝臣都说,殿下做官是块良才,做太子……,就还差些火候。……只有她知:他白天断案缉凶,夜晚潜身搞事,查案真凶一人包揽,“魔头我劝你向善,这么下去,国要被你玩坏。”……太子笑容和善,只一双眼1w0-28310 >>


内容简介:英雄无敌的世界,如果让你统御一票美丽又性感的美女部下,你会怎么做?男人靠征服世界来征服女人,女人靠征服男人来征服世界。美女,美女,还是美女,我们的口号:带领自己的美女军团征服一切。1w 0-31919 >>


内容简介:景如星替姐出嫁,嫁给传言中又老又丑的残废三爷,然而私下里的三爷不仅年轻英俊身强体壮,而且有着不为人知的神秘背景,一再颠覆她的认知。初相识,三爷冷酷无情,“守好你的本分,服从我的命令,如 果你敢对我有非分之想,别怪我不客气!”恋爱时,三爷霸道,“乖乖做我的女人,除了我,不许看任何男人,想都别想!”求婚时,三爷腹黑,“洁白的婚纱,手捧着鲜花……这是哪首歌来着?”“咱们结婚吧!”“好。”“……”1w0-28238 >>


内容简介:姜娆容渟笔趣阁,姜娆容渟sodu,姜娆容渟小说,姜娆容渟顶点,姜娆容渟姜娆,精选来自————我养成了未来残疾暴君天作之合甜文爽文成长生在声名煊赫的姜家,眉眼妩媚动人,姜娆天生有财有颜有 靠山,一生本该顺遂安逸,偏偏得罪了九皇子。九皇子双腿残疾,缠绵病榻多年,性格扭曲,众人眼中阴毒薄情的怪物。夺嫡成功后,将之前得罪过他的人通通收拾了个遍,手段狠戾绝情——包括姜娆。随父母出京云游时,梦里知晓了后事,姜娆怕的不行,只想远离那个荒唐暴虐的男人。谁料,寒冷冬日,依旧与他狭路相逢。日后冷血睥睨、位高权重的男人,如今只是个没长大的羸弱少年。衣衫单薄倒在漫天大雪里,长睫密闭,看上去可怜又乖巧。姜娆盯着他看了半天,在离开与留下之间迟疑不定。心思百转千回,最终还是在听到苍白着脸的少年隐忍痛苦的一声闷哼后,回头朝他伸出了手。容渟出生丧母,自小无人庇佑,在深宫内卑微苟活,受尽欺凌冷落。十三岁那年遭暗算重伤,被丢弃到乡下,自生自灭。就在他苟延残喘、即将饿死在大雪天里无人知时,面前却颤颤伸来一双小手。五指匀停,纤细白净。漫无边际的寂寥黑暗里,多了一个拉他出来的人。从此,她成了他心口滚烫的烙印,刻骨的执念,想抓住,想纠缠。从此,愿为她死,愿为她生。食用指南女主可爱治愈系,盛世美颜小天使男主偏执专情美强惨甜宠,治愈,双C,1V1,架空男主前期残疾,后期会好日更,晚上更新【接档文《这个狗皇帝我不要了》求预收】文案:作为名动京城的第一美人,骊歌拒绝了踏破门槛来求亲的每个人,只想报答小时候的恩人。谁知记忆中那个眉眼含笑的少年,如今却成长为了冷血自大、性情暴虐的男人、冷宫中被废的太子,娶她只为东山再起。骊歌收起了所有脾气,温柔顺从,七年以来,心甘情愿被他利用,只为捧热他的一颗心。却在他登基之后,听到他要选后的消息时,终于心灰意冷。断发离去,再不回头。……三个月后,却被猩红着眼的男人堵在了新家门口。九五至尊的男人不顾一身风尘仆仆,嗓子嘶哑地圈住了她的腰身,用前所未有过的卑微语气祈求,“跟我回去。”“我的皇后。”……人人都知,新帝是个只爱江山不爱美人的暴君。笑骊歌痴心妄想,赌上了所有,最后却落得个一无所有的下场。后来却亲眼看着向来喜怒不惊的年轻帝王,因为骊歌的离去,燥怒无常,几次陷入癫狂。别人只道骊歌离不开李玄,只有李玄知道——她才是他这辈子都离不开的药。可是……她不要他了。追妻火葬场,1V1,He,豪华火葬场,狗男人追妻的一百八十种姿势1w24042-108533 >>

Summer Delights

Summer Delights summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Summer Delights. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Name Is Zushio

From Anime New Network: Zushio was to be king and promised his sister that he would become king (on penalty of death). Unfortunately for him, his empire was overthrown and now he's a wanted man. A girl has the misfortune of running into Prince Zushio and becomes tangled in his plight. Adding to her misfortune, Zushio is not quite right in the head, but hey, at least he seems to be immortal.

Salaryman Kintarou

Yajima Kintaro was once the infamous boss of the Hasshu League biker gang, who at their peak boasted more than 10,000 members, but after meeting and falling in love with a partially sighted girl named Akemi, he gradually mellowed and disassociated himself with gang life. Unfortunately their love proved to be short lived when Akemi died in childbirth, but her last wish was that Kintaro would become a salaryman and raise their son, Ryuta in a stable environment. It's a request Kintaro cannot refuse, and after saving the life of the CEO of Yamamoto Construction he finally gets an opportunity to change his lifestyle once and for all. However, it seems the life of a salaryman is anything but stable when your employers are a multi-million pound constructor whose managing board is made up of corrupt ex-governmental ministers that are busy setting plans in motion to stage a hostile takeover and seize the company for their own nefarious dealings.

Cheer Cheer

From For The Halibut: The Otohime Private All-Girls High School is a very prestigious school and full of pretty girls. However, there is one male student attending the school, the director’s son Ouji. Ouji is a creepy pervert who can get away with anything because his father doesn’t punish him. He’s got video cameras all over the school to get footage of his classmates naked or near-naked and constantly sneaks around with cameras to get photos of them. The school is his paradise. All this will change in the coming year, though. His father has decided to make the school co-ed, but with only baseball players so that they can aim for winning the National High School Baseball Championship at Koshien Stadium. In preparation for this grand dream, the director insists that the girls of the school establish a cheerleading squad. Seeing his glorious world collapsing around him, Ouji latches on to the most hopeful thing he can find: the cheerleading squad. Now he and the reluctant student council president, Itsuki, are going to recruit members and try to get this team going!

The Bumpy Road Of Marriage: The Ex-Wife Is Expecting

The Bumpy Road Of Marriage: The Ex-Wife Is Expecting summary: The Bumpy Road Of Marriage: The Ex-Wife Is Expecting summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bumpy Road Of Marriage: The Ex-Wife Is Expecting. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me

Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me summary: Transmigrated into the body of a cannon fodder villain, Chu Yu has three major worries: 1. How can he help the protagonist turn into a real harem master? 2. How can he develop a good relationship with the protagonist? 3. How can he live properly without holding on to the protagonist’s thigh? The protagonist has three major worries: 1. Eldest brother changed 2. Eldest brother really changed 3. How can he marry eldest brother? Chu Yu: &h.e.l.lip; Wait, what about the harem novel? System: Congratulations! ~ Sprinkle Flowers ~ Grow Old Together Happily! Author’s Note – This 1vs1 (no harem) And HE (Happy Ending)

The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology

The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology summary: The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls

Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls summary: Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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