




类别恋爱 生活 古风



























内容简介:他一心只想过百姓生活,连父母的光都不想沾,他凭着自己的努力成了一名法医。天恩市一桩桩离奇的命案却将他推到了风口浪尖上来,经过千辛万苦,终于揭开谜底,正准备向对方出击的时候,他却发现自己 早已陷入了对方设下的情感网络,他将何去何从,请拭目以待……1w0-87529 >>


内容简介:前世:“夕若!你尽不到妻子的责任也就罢了?我不逼你。”“但是你能不能尽到一个母亲的责任啊?”“你怎么忍心给自己的儿子喂安眠药”“夕若你去死吧,我才是傅家的少夫人哈哈你这个蠢货,傅君暮一 直爱着你,你却不相信他,还给自己的儿子喂安眠药”这一世:“宝贝儿,妈咪送你们去上学好不好?”“宝贝儿,妈咪给你们做饭好不好?”某天记者采访:“傅总裁,对于您的妻子改邪归正,您有什么想法吗?”傅君暮:“可能上辈子我拯救了全宇宙。”记者:“傅总裁听说您在家的地位还不如自己的儿子?”傅君暮:“是谁说的,给我站出来?什么听说,本来就是。”(记者:我们还能不能愉快的交谈了)【展开】【收起】1w0-97875 >>


内容简介:京都闻家大少跟沈家大小姐联姻,婚后相敬如宾,夫妻甚少出现在同一个场合,更甚至,沈家大小姐采访自家丈夫,都是公事公办的脸色。问出的问题也是这样的。沈大小姐:“喜欢什么类型的女性?”闻大少 爷:“娇俏可爱。”跟沈大小姐完全不搭边。沈大小姐:“会对妻子一心一意吗?”闻大少爷:“不好说。”沈大小姐作为妻子,面无表情,点了点头,认真记录。-不久后,沈大小姐再采访。闻大少爷:“不如我先问问,你昨晚在哪儿睡?”沈大小姐:“不关你事。”闻大少爷:“是吗?”说着,他起身,将一个斯文俊秀的男生扯了出来。压在桌子上,场面顿时十分混乱,那男生哭唧唧地喊:“姐夫,我,沈赫啊,她是我亲姐啊,你忘记……我了嘛?”闻大少爷:“嗯?”吃错醋了。【吵架被老婆怼哭的男人】阅读说明:1,轻微虐女,后大虐男,男主会被离婚。2,狗男人追妻火葬场。3,跪帮系列文【替身里闻泽厉的文】4,双洁,强强对决,先婚后爱。5,可以骂男主,吐槽男主,如若太雷了,可以停止观看,谢谢么么哒。前虐后甜,所以会有标签甜文。1w0-4496 >>


内容简介:一夜之间,豪门风云变幻,独自生活有些社恐的许臻成为了被换掉的真千金。面对偏心假千金把自己当成空气的父母和哥哥,许臻松了一口气,真是太好了!许臻有个秘密,其实她生下来就分不清每个人的脸, 医学上称之为面孔失认症,只能凭着穿着打扮认人,所以她一直喜欢一个人待在家里。但是来到新家以后,总有人让她多出门走走,熟悉一下周围环境,于是:从豪门家里踏出来的第一天:她认错了爸爸从豪门家里踏出来的第二天:她认错了哥哥从豪门家里踏出来的第三天:她把隔壁的黎夜宴黎总当成了司机从豪门家里踏出来的第四天:踏什么踏,待在家里不好吗?后来,在宴会上,面对假千金闺蜜的冷嘲热讽,许臻无所谓的打了个哈欠结果:白手起家的科技大佬站了出来:谁对我的女儿有意见桀骜不驯的影帝站了出来:谁对我妹妹有意见豪门世家的掌权人站了出来:谁对我的女朋友有意见众人:不敢不敢宁家父母很不喜欢这个找回来的亲生女儿,觉得她没有得到良好的教育,行为粗俗;觉得她不会打扮,带出去会丢他们的脸。直到后来,他们才突然发现,这个女儿在不知不觉间,就走到了他们需要仰望的位置。事业线文案许臻自小学习画画,被人评价:画意高超,灵气非凡。当时的她才十一岁。有人见画断言,世界画史上必然有她的名字天有不测风云,父母因一场意外过世,许臻发现随着父母的离去,她的画也没有了曾经的灵气。六年的时间过去了,许臻这个名字也渐渐成为了人们口中的仲永。直到有一天,一幅画横空出世。这幅画不仅栩栩如生,灵气非凡,而且还有安抚人心的作用。这幅画的落款名为许臻。王者归来从此以后,一画难求。男女主年龄差七岁本文苏爽,女主金手指很粗,微团宠,介意的小可爱勿入哟1w0-61362 >>


内容简介:  秉着能红一天是一天的准则,乐瑶只想认真拍戏,等人气凉了就回家继承家业。  可家里人生怕她在娱乐圈受委屈,暗搓搓给她砸顶级资源,铺最好的星路。  网友拿起键盘:“最惧非议的女明星代表 之一”“娱乐圈十大未解之谜,乐瑶金主是谁?”  乐瑶摊牌了:“实话告诉你们吧,我爷爷是总统,我爸爸是玉石大亨,我哥哥是R帝国集团总裁,我妈妈是影视歌三栖巨星……”  网友:“然后这都是靠你自己努力想象出来的。”  第二天,乐瑶被拍和国际巨星施岚一起逛商场有说有笑。  第三天,乐瑶被拍从剧组出来上了R帝国总裁的车。  第四天,Y国总统说是来接她宝贝孙女乐瑶。  众网友:……  这下网友终于不淡定了:“你到底还有什么身份?”  顶级大佬墨听白揽住乐瑶的腰:“她还有一个身份,是我老婆。”  全世界:……1w0-4380 >>


内容简介:冲击境界失败的苏方,全身经脉扭曲变形,沦为废人,永远无法再修行,却意外得到一面神奇的古镜,而在古镜的深处,他遇到一个来自神秘世界的强大存在,开始走上逆天双修之路。 修肉身,逆天改命! 摸天门,誓为修士! 看少年万里寻父,一步步在万千天才之中脱颖而出,斗苍穹、逆星辰成为盖世巨神!1w0-4316 >>


Matthias, a child abused continuously by his mother, having committed her murder finds refuge in a church where he meets a seemingly helpful, young priest and Hans, a fellow resident. Not much time passes, however, until Matthias realizes that there's something suspicious going on behind the facade of a peaceful shelter... [summary taken from Aarinfantasy's website]

Penguin Prince

A Collection of 5 oneshots. 1) The Penguin Prince Ranko is a girl who is frightened by the students in her school until she is labelled as a 'witch'. Murakami is a good-looking boy given the title 'prince' by the other students, especially the female ones. One day, Ranko discovered Murakami's biggest embarassing secret. By understanding the difficulties that Murakami faces as an idol, Ranko begins to know the truth meaning of love. 2) One Thousand Years Love Song It's about this boy who is always enthusiastic when it comes to class activities and attention, and a girl who scored the highest in Japanese history in the same class. She and the boy are appointed as the class representatives. And of course, she has a secret crush on him. Having to spend time with him everyday, she finds herself unable to suppress her feelings for him anymore... 3) Sitting Straight Tea Time t's about a girl who is being forced to learn how to act more lady-like by her sister by learning the proper way of the Japanese tea ceremony. She finds out that she will be taught by a boy who is a known delinquent in her school. However, that boy turned out to be perfectly fit wearing a kimono with no sign of the delinquent in sight. 4) Tea Time With Flowers And You The continuation of story 3 where both of them have become a couple. One day, the boy's first crush comes back and this makes his new girlfriend feel uneasy. Moreover, knowing that he had once confessed to that girl makes her even more anxious. Soon, she learns that he was challenged by that girl that if by the time she came back, he can perform the tea ceremony successfully, she might reconsider his confession. Will he perform well in the tea ceremony and be with his first crush, or will he turn the challenge down, and continue to be together with his current girlfriend? [Story 5] Searching for Four-Leaf Clover He has always been told that he plays piano without a soul. He plays incredibly, but it's like hearing a machine play. One day, he meets a girl that by chance saw him crying while throwing sheet music. Being a considerate person, she believes the piece is important to him and returns it, but the boy scolds her for being a busybody. He realizes the girl's good intentions and apologizes to her. She tells him that while searching for his piece she lost her earring and couldn't find it. The boy finds it easily and he tells her the secret to search for things.

Subtle Disaster

A webtoon writer, Songshin Ha, lives in the apartment, at the top of the hill, that has serious problem with neighbor's noise; and he desperately wants to solve the problem with his neighbors.

Virgin Break

The opening chapter (title story) focuses on two friends in the gay AV industry. Chapter two's a historical piece on the ambiguous feelings between an emperor and one of his followers. In chapter three, the boss of a security firm (specializing in bodyguard services) resorts to 'punishing' one of his subordinates with a kiss every time he's about to get into a fight in order to reduce the number of complaints filed against him. Next up is the story of another bodyguard who has seven days with a client who cannot speak during that period. Rounding up the volume is a chapter with cosplay elements.

Health: Five Lay Sermons to Working-People

Health: Five Lay Sermons to Working-People summary: Health: Five Lay Sermons to Working-People summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Health: Five Lay Sermons to Working-People. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Recollections of Windsor Prison

Recollections of Windsor Prison summary: Recollections of Windsor Prison summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Recollections of Windsor Prison. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Roman and the Teuton

The Roman and the Teuton summary: The Roman and the Teuton summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Roman and the Teuton. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

While We Were Watching Downton Abbey

While We Were Watching Downton Abbey summary: While We Were Watching Downton Abbey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of While We Were Watching Downton Abbey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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