
































内容简介:妖魔东京,百鬼夜行,我有一家黄泉手办店。店里手办很多,裂口女、土蜘蛛、河童、座敷童子、络新妇、八岐大蛇……客人也真不少,这里是满心怨恨的怨魂们最后之地。签下契约就能够借助手办的力量化身 诡异复仇。心怀仇恨的灵魂啊!逢魔之时,百鬼夜行之刻,我逢魔时王在黄泉手办店等你。我是死国之主,我是你们的救赎。又名《我在东京卖手办》,《黄泉手办店》。1w0-32712 >>


内容简介:【首V章留言送红包呀】喜欢收藏一下作者噢,预收文《狙中你的心》,微博晋江甜醋鱼糙汉缉毒队长X娇媚酒吧歌手1一次秘密任务季亦安昏昏沉沉醒来,身侧躺了个漂亮姑娘没想到就此被姑娘缠上任务失败 ,赢回一个小祖宗后来发现这祖宗娇气地要命,不好养活,得捧在手心里2先前,宋初横冲直撞地撩拨季亦安。在那个晚上,掐着季亦安的腰把他按进了柔软的床铺,红唇落在他唇上,交换了一个漫长又缠绵的湿吻。她轻笑一声:“教你接吻,学会了吗,季队长?”后来,还是某天夜里,宋初被男人按在怀里季亦安懒散扣住她的腰,瞧着小姑娘满脸通红瞪着他他轻笑一声:“宝贝儿,高中生理课没上过啊,老公教你啊。”糙汉X娇妹。疯狂互撩。保家卫国,冲锋陷阵,一世荣光食用指南:1感情线不虐,剧情线会有揪心2涉及部分现实地名,但具体内容架空。会尽量多查阅相关资料,但非化学生,可能会存在bug,我会尽量减少这种问题。3吸毒有害身心健康。4爱大家,啾咪w预收文求收藏《狙中你的心》病娇向糙直守边军人vs恃美行凶清媚摄影师1军队里大家都知道,他们的陆队长背上有一处夸张浓烈的纹身。像一幅画,用最浓重的色彩与最明媚的笔触画下一枝樱桃藤蔓。有援藏女医生偷偷问他:“这处纹身是否是纪念一个人?”陆舟神色寡淡,捻灭了烟:“没有。”2沈亦欢长大后还记得16岁那年军训,毒辣的太阳,冰镇的西瓜,和那个格外清纯的男生。“沈亦欢!你帽子呢!”她因为没戴军训帽子被罚站。过了五分钟,一个男生朝她走过来,也是罚站。因为阳光沈亦欢看向他时不得不眯着眼,她主动搭话:“你也没戴帽子呀?”“嗯。”陆舟声音淡漠。女孩脱掉了厚重的军训外套,里面是薄薄的吊带,坐在操场时露出后腰一块白皙皮肤。纤细的腰侧有一块淡红的胎记,像一颗樱桃。后来大家都知道那个全校有名的沈亦欢在追陆舟,可陆舟始终对她爱搭不理。只有沈亦欢知道——军训那天,陆舟的帽子根本就没有掉。也只有沈亦欢知道——那天晚自习学校断电,大家欢呼着放学时,她被拉进一个黑僻的楼道。陆舟抵着她,喘着气,难以自控地吻她的唇。推荐:《怪你过分可爱》甜米粥恋爱之前,黎嘉扬喜欢捏她软软的脸,握她肉肉的手,满院子大喊她沈怂怂。恋爱以后,黎嘉扬喜欢将她抱在怀里,哑着嗓子不停唤她宝贝。1w0-31614 >>


内容简介:六十年前,一个中年大叔带着一条长得像癞皮狗一样的麒麟和一头长得像鸭子一样的鸳鸯第一次走入了中州皇城。那一年,这个中年大叔穿过了山海主脉,穿过了四季平原,走进了青鸾学院。六十年后,林夕坐 着一辆破旧的马车,从鹿林镇穿过半个云秦帝国,一路向北,行向青鸾学院…这是一个有关帝国和荣耀,有关忠贞和背叛,有关青春和热血,有关一个怀着与众不同目光的少年,有关一个强大的修行学院的故事,八个完本的人品保证,2012年初夏,无罪安静的为你讲述一个有趣的校园故事。无罪新书《冰火破坏神》http://book.zongheng.com/book/296950.html1w0-1087 >>


内容简介:末日来临,你是想拯救世界,还是想安稳而自私的活下去?不一样的末日,不一样的对抗,看罗大炮怎么带着一群美女在末日里坑蒙拐骗的。罗氏口号:抢粮,抢金子,抢女人,骗财,骗色,骗感情。求点击, 求推荐,求收藏!亡灵天灾以后会补全,第一本书必然不能太监了,只是开头没开好思路枯竭而已。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《末日暴徒》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-86561 >>


内容简介:  弘治十一年,弘治中兴正由兴盛走向衰落,贤臣们年衰致仕,内阁三人渐渐老去,弘治皇帝励精图治,也无法将大明推向更高的太平盛世。此时,京城西北角的破旧院落中,一个书生正翻阅着史料,检查这 个大明和穿越前那个,是否严丝合缝。1w0-1637 >>


内容简介:一个黑到红,美到威胁顶流的大小姐,到娱乐圈体验人生,吃瓜新闻不断,背后男人撕皮,撕到险些出人命。杜太太到哪都万众瞩目,她有什么资本?她是杜夜泽的女人。白久怒砸报道社,老娘除了会谈恋爱, 实力也是一等一。1w0-79702 >>

Shuuseki Kairo No Himawari

A cyber-punkish collection of stories revolving around the theme of the 'DOLL.' 1. Keep Those Condoms Away From Our Kids The tale of boys and girls who have lost their sexual desire. Mihara Mitsukazu's debut work. 2. The Iron Maiden The tale of the strain a girl experiences from having grown up in a home without love. 3. The Sunflower Quality Of An Integrated Circuit Vanilla is a robot made by the SG Company. She's loaded with all the latest functions and completely subserviant to humans. And you even have the separate option of upgrading her to a lover robot. One Vanilla is a maidroid in the home of an elderly master and his younger wife. The atmosphere in the house is cold and stiff because the wife is having an affair with a younger man. The lonely master comes to look upon Vanilla as his own dear child. He suggests that when the sunflowers bloom, they go outside together to watch them. 'Is that a command, sir?' asks Vanilla. 'It is not a command,' he replies. 'It is a promise.' And so forms the piercing and painful integrated circuit--the alternating current of intercourse--between a lonely old man and the emotionless Vanilla. 4. The Other Side of the Rose Wire What was the thing a girl like an angel endlessly carried? 5. Fish Out of Water A girl who lost her memories when she was dragged into a llake with her suicidal mother... awakens from her dream. 6. Mister Mineral Inside the body of a cute girl who's just like a doll... are internal organs, and blood, and... 7. Alive The sad tale of a human and a clone who pass right by each other.

I'll (Generation Basket)

Akane Tachibana is a freshman high school student who, despite his talent for basketball, decides to abandon sports clubs due to the pressure put on him by them. Once he arrives at Kouzu High, however, he meets the only other basketball player who has ever caught his eye on the courts and decides to join the team. The first match of the season is an exhibition game against the league's strongest team, Hyamazaki—the team that Hiiragi's father coaches and in which his older brother plays for. Hiiragi ends up playing in the second half of the game, and they seem to not be working well together on the court, losing the game, until unintentionally one of the senior players on the team challenges them to beat him. They join forces, inspiring the team to victory. Thus starts the story of a group of teenagers working to reach the top, fighting tooth and nail the entire way.

Unknown Letters

A love story between high-school friends turned into a Yakuza and Detective.

Koufuku No Jouken

1) Rule of Happiness Iisei and Eitarou are in love and have been dating for two years. They're both saving up every penny for their future of living together. Eitarou can only see happiness ahead, but when money goes missing from the account and Iisei starts lying to Eitarou, will they have any future at all? 2) How Many Miles to Happiness? 3) Always, Always 4) Grown Up 5) Secret Policy 6) Secret Bonus 7) Makin' Happy Tortured throughout middle school by bullies, Hiyori has grown up with a few hang ups: An obsession with a bear anime and an unfortunate reaction to alcohol. These two things will lead him back to the past and a chance at revenge. 8) You Like Hard Love?!

Extraordinary Great Antiquity

Extraordinary Great Antiquity summary: Extraordinary Great Antiquity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Extraordinary Great Antiquity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lydia of the Pines

Lydia of the Pines summary: Lydia of the Pines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lydia of the Pines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Personal Recollections of the War of 1861

Personal Recollections of the War of 1861 summary: Personal Recollections of the War of 1861 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Personal Recollections of the War of 1861. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Early Western Travels 1748-1846 Vol 27

Early Western Travels 1748-1846 Vol 27 summary: Early Western Travels 1748-1846 Vol 27 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Early Western Travels 1748-1846 Vol 27. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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