








简介【每周一&每周五】更新 为当红小鲜肉订制书橱?!还可以自由出没他的私宅?!要是被迷妹们知道的话,大概会被羡慕嫉妒恨到死吧……可他怎么和屏幕上的温柔暖男形象差别那么大……傲慢无礼不说,还根本不看书!聘请她的目的,竟然只是为了让她读剧本!Excuse me???


























内容简介:23世纪的35岁大龄青年命运坎坷,9次高考失败,6次创业失败,心灰意冷之下选择了跳楼,这一跳却跳出了大事!主角和你想的一样,他老套的穿越了。他穿越到了异世界东方大陆陈国第九王爷的最小儿 子陈珏的体内。本来是个皇裔命,奈何现实却过的不如一般富农,陈珏不服命运,决心在异界进行第7次创业,结果……穷的沦落到给爆发户当赘婿的窘地,如果不是他一身皇家血脉,估计早饿死在异界街头了。这真是混的最惨的穿越者了有木有?1w0-3691 >>


内容简介:《这只龙崽又在碰瓷》为作者采采来了创作,作品这只龙崽又在碰瓷章章动人,为你第一时间提供采采来了精心编写原创这只龙崽又在碰瓷及无弹窗这只龙崽又在碰瓷最新章节,这只龙崽又在碰瓷全文免费阅读 。各位书友要是觉得《这只龙崽又在碰瓷》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68299 >>


内容简介:  苏酒死于十八岁生日当天,竟然穿进一本古早虐恋小说里,成为一个四岁小萌娃。小萌娃长大之后就成了书中的恶毒女配,这还不够,爸爸是个窝囊废怎么破?苏酒表示,为了这个爸爸操碎了心。“爸,你 不准吃了,注意保持身材!”“爸,明天早上有个通告,你准备一下!”“爸,你给我振作一点!难道你不想给我找后妈了吗?”“爸,要给你颁奖了,你赶紧想想上台发言的词!”在她的拯救下,爸爸从一个糊出天际的全网黑十八线小明星一跃成为顶流一线大咖,赚钱无数。苏酒作为唯一的继承人,坐拥亿万资产,生活美滋滋,可以安心混吃等死了。但是——等一下,为毛书中这个阴暗偏执,心狠手辣的反派大佬,不缠女主反倒缠着她?Σ( ° △ °|||)她不就是在他小时候给他送了几次温暖,就被惦记上了?而且,他不是个莫得感情的赚钱机器么,为什么要酱酱酿酿………多年后,反派大佬在商界和娱乐圈只手遮天,甚至成了爸爸的金主!身为宠女狂魔的爸爸总算意识到有只恶狼盯上了闺女,心惊胆战地给她普及各种安全知识。珍爱生命,远离大佬。反派大佬阴鸷冷笑,“小酒,嫁给我,我的一切都给你,命也归你。否则,我就封杀你爸爸,让他站得多高,就摔得多惨!”苏酒,“……???”1w0-1879 >>


内容简介:全是叛徒的黑衣组织如何能圆润的互飙演技?装傻充愣的毛利小五郎究竟在隐瞒些什么?身体变小的柯南究竟如何解决生理问题?同样变小的哀酱究竟香与不香?且看本期普法咳咳。简介略显无力,正文无比精 彩!不能免俗建了个裙,裙号:218607314(本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同不胜荣幸!)1w0-95587 >>


内容简介:简介:主角:苏驰娅、迟野。片段:第一女骑手苏驰娅失误了,她在大赛之上,撞伤了队友,也因此让他们车队陷入了舆论中心,甚至面临车队解散的风险。而与此同时,畅销书作家作家迟野却联系上了他们车 队,提出可以注资,资助他们车队,而签约条件就是让苏驰娅成为他的专属教练。开始的时候迟野的书迷还全力抵抗他这种跨圈行为,可是后来有人拍到了迟野的摩托车,人们才知道,原来金牌作家浪漫起来也是不做人的呀!1w0-32669 >>


Second year high-school student Taeko fell in love with Kanno-sensei at first sight. She's finally mustered the courage to confess to her beloved sensei. Love-note in hand, Taeko overhears Kanno-sensei being congratulated on his wedding--and his already pregnant bride. Taeko is in shock; she shaped her whole world around Kanno-sensei and now it's all over! Her childhood friend Shin just seems happy to pour fuel on her fire. Taeko lurches from one disaster to another. And every time her plans are ruined Shin seems to be involved. She aches to tell sensei how she really feels. But will Kanno-sensei even care?

Kikai-Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu

Description of the oneshot Kikai Tonchi Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu One-shot published in Weekly Shounen Jump. Long, long ago, there lived an eccentric spirit. One who ate the souls of humans and loved 'riddles'. He would ask anyone who crossed his path sadistic 'questions', and if they returned a 'stupid answer', they would have their souls eaten without a moment's delay. On the other hand, if they answered with 'wit', the spirit would grant a single wish, regardless of what it was. There was a bald, witty genius of a boy who responded magnificently to the spirit's 'question'. His wish was for the spirit to possess him for the rest of his life! Description of the serialization Kikai Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu: There once was an ayakashi called Karma who challenged his victims to a battle of wits. If the subject succeeded, the ayakashi would grant them one wish, but if they lost, he would devour their soul. At the same time, there was a young monk called Hanasaku Ikkyuu, who was famed for his cleverness. He used to eagerly sharpen his mind, solving challenging riddles sent to him, until his mother fell ill. When he found that his cleverness was of no use in helping her, he gave it up. Karma seeks out Ikkyuu, eager to best him in a battle of wits and consume his soul. One day, Ikkyuu rescued a young beggar boy, only to see him fall ill with a mysterious illness. That same day, Karma finally finds Ikkyuu and offers him his dangerous bargain. Thanks to Karma, will Ikkyuu finally have a way to use his cleverness to help the people around him?


Once there was a warrior from the noble class who tried to overthrow the court. He failed and died. His wife taken and married off to his enemy, his three sons fostered in different monastaries. These sons, each gifted in the arts of war, grow up and seek to destroy the men who killed their father. But sibling rivalry and jealousy are more dangerous than the battlefield. The youngest brother, a delicate beauty in the bedroom and a demon on the battlefield is particularly vulnerable. Will he ever find comfort and love, and with who?

Start Love

[From Twinkle-Dust]: Jiyoo is a beautiful girl, who has yet to have her first kiss. Handsome guys, who Jiyoo only saw as friends, are now competing for the fair maiden’s love. Who will win over Jiyoo’s chaste heart?

Tales of Herding Gods

Tales of Herding Gods summary: There’s an ancient saying in Great Ruins, ‘Don’t go outside when it’s dark.’
In Great Ruins, the disabled elders of Disabled Elderly Village picked up an infant by the riverside and named him Qin Mu, raising him up with blood and sweat. This day, as the night descended and the darkness shrouded Great Ruins, Qin Mu left home…
Become a villain undulating in the spring breeze!
That’s what Blind told him.
This is the rise of Qin Mu’s road to becoming a villain!

Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859

Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859 summary: Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Harem Pirates

Harem Pirates summary: The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates (ハーレムパイレーツ)

The Bride Said No

The Bride Said No summary: The Bride Said No summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bride Said No. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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