








简介恶名昭著的不良少年林野在高二的开学典礼上被开除了,其后因偷吃了山神的祭品而被变成了女孩子!!想要变回男孩子,就要帮上供的人完成心愿,就这样,林野以小草莓的身份重返校园,开始了一段非比寻常的高中之旅! 每周一更新~




















简介每周日更新!粉丝群QQ:535431411 远古御念术是涉及风水武学,阴阳五行等元素的超自然秘术,使用此术之人被称之为御念师,然而在这个世道,御念师则是邪恶的象征,主角宗天一是一名隐山修行的少年御念师,他将展开一场改变御念师命运的大冒险。



内容简介:  夏景行在弥留之际,回忆起那个踏上异国他乡的年轻背影。他当时想啊,如果岁月可以重来,自己绝对不会辜负这水大鱼大的激荡二十年。念念不忘,必有回响。重返十八岁的他,唱起了:我还是从前那个 少年……PS:书友群号:928787446PS:已有200万字完本作品《决胜新金融时代》,人品保障,请放心阅读。1w0-1802 >>


内容简介:已存稿8万字非裸奔。日更。这是一个复仇的故事。背景是架空现代,一个非常腐败的君主立宪制强权系统,民不聊生。肖遥在少年时代被神秘人强暴后,一直坚持报警维权,却惹上了不得了的强权阶级,一家 三口不得不背井离乡,如过街老鼠。十年后,母亲患癌,肖遥不得不参加大逃杀节目,为了高额的医药费赌上性命。她和各种反社会杀人狂斗智斗勇,命悬一线,却在节目里遇到了强暴自己的凶手?她终于获得了节目的胜利,拯救了母亲,然而谜底却刚刚露出冰山一角,等待她的,是更扑朔迷离的现实。她所认为的真相是真相吗?她所认为的结局是结局吗?那个她又爱又恨的人,是一切的关键吗?大逃杀,残酷血腥,浴血的爱情,惊险刺激抽丝剥茧的探案……1v1,女强男强,浴火重生,杀出重围前三部作品全部完结,坑品保证,绝不坑读者。首发:ωoо1⒏υip1w0-100275 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:刚入截教,我听到诛仙剑在抱怨】刚拜入截教,成为通天第五位亲传弟子。没想到却在这时候听到了通天身上的法宝传来声音。诛仙剑:“通通已经研究我们这么久,竟然还不懂得 使用剑灵布阵,太弱了!”陷仙剑:“谁说不是呢?我们跟着他,太浪费了,通通你是个好人,你配不上我们!”混沌钟:“确认过眼神,这少年是属于我的人!”诸天庆云:“少年,你很有天分,以后保卫洪荒和平,警恶惩奸,守护洪荒的重任就交给你了!”红绣球:少年,你和女娲的姻缘红线,需要我帮你牵吗?不久之后,轩辕天终于发现,自己能听到法宝的声音,当然,不只是法宝的声音……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71239 >>




内容简介:有那么一种魔法以卡牌魔法为基底,参考了星灵魔法的召唤,模仿了具现之弧的想象创造,再以附加魔法赋予各种属性,创造出各种各样拥有魔法力量的怪兽。此魔法,被称之为‘召唤之卡’作为此魔法唯一的 拥有者,卡尔文·马卡罗在伊修迦尔上书写着自己的传奇。这是名为卡尔文·马卡罗的的故事。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《妖尾之召唤魔导士》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80797 >>


内容简介:她是腹黑狠辣的暗夜鬼医,一朝穿越,成为人人鄙视唾弃的废材女。契约上古神兽,修炼逆天神诀,亮瞎众人的眼。毒丹毒剂在手,敢欺她之人,找死!九品丹药算什么?她的萌宠都当糖豆吃。会炼药,就是那 么任性!他是绝色妖冶的夜王爷,世人皆以为他冷酷无情,可为什么她眼里的他竟是如此难缠,阴魂不散。“你盯着我干什么?”“本君在想,你什么时候正式成为本君的女人。”一枚细针抵住了他的腰际,她笑道:“爷,冲动是魔鬼,1w4978-26625 >>

Not For Sale!

Nozomi is a boring and late-blooming college student. His classmate, Ryuji, is an extremely dangerous delivery host. When Nozomi witnesses a steamy kiss between Ryuji and a male teacher, he's thunderstruck! His eyes can't seem to stop following Ryuji's movements. If Ryuji has any say (and he does!), Nozomi is just about to get a taste of paradise. Oneshots from the book include : • 04 Hitori De Yare yo - Comedy duo Masata and Naru aren't doing very well, but they're still together. Mainly because Masata is helpless and Naru can't leave him alone. But when Naru finds out Masata's been keeping secrets things may fall apart. • 05 Love Cocktail - When unfortunately named Minami Haruo wanders into Sagawa's bar, Sagawa gives him his special aphrodisiac cocktail and has his way with him. But who is Minami really? And is he ever coming back? • 06 Air - Nobuyuki and Yugi became a family 7 years ago, when their parents remarried. A year later after that, Yugi's father got into an accident which left Yugi a scar inside himself. Yugi convinced himself that everyone around him will disappear one day, and that in the end he will end up alone, always. Nobuyuki disagree and claim that they are family, and so they will always be together. 'If you can, show it to me. Since you are not my brother, from now on...you are air' is what Yugi said. What will happen to this pair?

Virgin Na Kankei

From Solaris-SVU: Kimijima is a freelance worker who seeks to become a contributing member of society. After a night of passion with a beautiful woman goes wrong, he finds himself rushing to make an early job interview. However, the interviewer turns out to be the woman with whom he spent the previous night.

Bath Towel

Bath Towel is a quirky story about Izutsuya Anju, a self-proclaimed hedonist, and his friend/co-conspirator cameraman Monono Kejime. Together, they prostitute themselves and blackmail their way through the high school they still attend after failing to graduate three times. The latest victim is Koizumi Yuuji, younger brother of Jouji who has been in love with the mixed race Anju since elementary school. Both brothers become obsessed with the beautiful Anju, who will give his heart to no one because no man or woman can surpass Kaoru, the owner of his heart and apparently Anju’s ex-boyfriend. Despite this, he still gives his bodies to the brothers and looks on them as friends. Things really heat up when Anju’s apartment burns down, giving him only enough time to save a precious bath towel that belonged to his mother. But as Kaoru suddenly comes to town, a surprising truths is revealed that shocks everyone. Who is this mysterious Kaoru that Anju keeps talking about and why is the family resemblance to Anju so striking? (taken from Fushichou)

Renai Yakkyoku Kitan

There is a pharmacy in this small town, whose owner never changes. The pharmacy has wondrous medicines that can cure every sort of malady? Even today, boys gripped by problems of love step through its door. Strange pharmacy series , with five gems of stories from Chirol's world.

Lola Montez

Lola Montez summary: Lola Montez summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lola Montez. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Norston's Rest

Norston's Rest summary: Norston's Rest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Norston's Rest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Amateur Army

The Amateur Army summary: The Amateur Army summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Amateur Army. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Illusion (Lan Lin)

Illusion (Lan Lin) summary: Illusion (Lan Lin) summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Illusion (Lan Lin). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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