




类别热血 冒险 魔幻 日漫 魔法










简介“操场是努力、专注、潇洒、堂堂正正、充满青春的汗水与泪水的地方”,如果光是这么说就能在比赛中获胜,就不用那么辛苦了。 一个过去曾经轰动一时,现在却沦为三脚猫的高中棒球社,来了一位麻辣教练。只有一年的缓冲时间,能让他重振棒球队!




类别恋爱 少女






只因与她一梦之约,我愿跨越天山南北—— 甜野南疆少女和都市学霸酷姐, 从相隔百里的素不相识,到双向奔赴的人生挚友…… “试试吧,我总感觉那并不是梦。” …… 五年了, 没想到真的能在天山那边遇到她。








内容简介:这个世界,霞之丘诗羽已经是岛国超一流作家,和泉纱雾已经是世界顶级插画师,四宫辉夜已经是……呃!总之,男主掺和过的原著剧情早就过去了。本书写的是动漫女主们长大后的青春日常。各位书友要是觉 得《动漫女主长大以后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31966 >>


内容简介:《剑尊》是叶玄叶灵精心创作的其他类型,快眼看书实时更新剑尊最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的剑尊评论,并不代表快眼看书赞同或者支持剑尊读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《剑尊》还不错的 话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1115-26982 >>




内容简介:曾经叱咤风云的佣兵王者,变成小小的军火贩子,家族、部落、国家、铁血柔情、腥风血雨,且看他如何一步步成为让各国忌惮的国际军火商。企鹅群:272903539本小说纯属虚构,如有雷同,就是巧 合!1w0-1130 >>


内容简介:专栏预收《被病娇太子盯上以后》求收藏————本文将于11月6日周六入V届时三更,请大家继续支持【原配hzc,司朝(反派)上位】人人都说,废侯爷疯了之前,给她女儿阮雀谋了个好前程。镧京顾 府高门大户,锦绣荣华。顾二郎高中探花,更是姿容俊逸,性情无双。这样的婚事,可不就是万人艳羡“好前程”?早前阮雀也这么觉得,却不想婚后顾廷康哄骗她,极尽能事地侮她、辱她、逼她,她寸寸让步,信她所嫁乃是良人。谁知最后她的求全,却换来他和美人暗通款曲,就连当年的婚约,也是他的弥天大谎,而今事情败露,甚至连她爹也不愿放过。阮雀万念俱灭,满身狼狈。三年来她仁至义尽,却落得这样下场。她一言不发转身出了顾府,求了那个所有人都怕的修罗。司朝血染西狄王庭,还朝之后,人人忌惮。头一回见阮雀时,他嗜血狂戾。后来每回相见,他都潜入屋堂,为所欲为……阮雀颤着身跪到他府前时,雨珠顺着女子纤直的脖颈没入衣襟,身骨笔直,腰身纤致,本就惑人不浅。偏偏她不知道自己诱人,一张小脸上,神情清清冷冷。他蹲下身,修长的手指摩挲过她娇嫩欲滴的唇角。“阮阮拿什么求我?”下一刻,他终是忍不住,用力将人拥入怀中。没人知道,这一刻他等了有多久。阮雀留下一纸休夫书,消失了。顾廷康发了疯,带着人找了整遍京城也一无所获,唯剩一处摄政王府他不敢闯。那座巍峨的府里头,住着的是他的小舅舅,司朝。传闻司朝手上人命无数,阴晴不定,杀人随心,行止之间血流成河更是常事,是比北狄暴君还狠的角色。他日日墙外徘徊,悔不当初。直到那夜,他被两名侍卫摁在瓢泼的雨里,看屋里红烛晃晃,找寻了多日的人被娇养得明艳动人,温声软语,巧笑嫣然……排雷:1男主偏执疯批;2阮雀和司朝都不是圣母,有立场;3女非男C,顾廷康hzc,司朝上位,HE——————预收《被病娇太子盯上以后》求宠霍暮吟艳绝天下,命格金贵。两年前被钦天监挑中,以贵妃之仪给皇帝冲喜。危在旦夕的皇帝果真因此多活了两年。而一旦皇帝驾崩,妃嫔就要落发出家或者生生殉葬。眼见老皇帝此番难逃劫数,霍暮吟挑起这些年打下的人脉,计划逃出宫美美地活着。薄宣是当今太子,明面上看着光风霁月、谦逊有礼。只有重活一回的霍暮吟知道,他是个疯子,披着兔子皮的修罗阎王。她看过他温润笑着杀死别人的模样,也见过他步步紧逼,呢喃着“姐姐”的模样。霍暮吟决意今生不再招惹他。前世见他孤苦而护他的场景,她都有意回避,尽数缺席。直到离京那日,他跨马扬刀,锋利锐刃挑起旁人的下巴。“孤觊觎姐姐许久了。”“和孤争,他怎么敢的?”“姐姐,还和他走吗?”薄宣白皙的脸上血迹尤新,他垂首吻在霍暮吟唇角,“姐姐,你不想护着我没关系,不许走。”人人以为霍穆吟会 >>



Star Children

In a near future where humans have safely traveled to Mars, the space program is looking to go to Jupiter for the first time in history. For Subaru Yuuto, Amami Kousei, one of the elite astronauts of the crew of the Jupitneer (the ship heading to Jupiter), is not only a person that he looks up to but is also a dear friend of many years. But tragedy strikes and a malfunction causes an explosion in the Jupitneer and the ship goes missing in deep space, most believing the crew to be dead. Even with the devastating loss of a friend and hero, Yuuto joins the Core Space Academy to become a super class astronaut (aka Sirius) just like Kousei once was and explore parts of the universe that has not yet been known to man. The competition is cutthroat and he has to become the best of the best if he wants to be where his hero once was. Although the fear of the unknown is immense, Yuuto must learn to overcome it and become the hero for the next generation.

Dennou Alice To Inaba-Kun

Shuuichi Inaba is a student of a special high school for young prodigies and one of the users of the newest and most popular application called 'Alice in Cyberland' - an app with an AI that enables its users to talk to them as with any other human. When some of the students of his high school start to get attacked by a mysterious culprit, Shuuichi is determined to find out who it is. In his investigation, he stumbles upon 'Alice' - a special kind of program, which, in return for helping him with the case, demands only to know something he would usually never tell anyone - his biggest and deepest secret.

Macross 7

[From Manga-Sketchbook]: In the year 2045 A.D. the 37th Long Range Emigration Fleet - MACROSS 7 - proceeds on its mission to the center of the milky way. The headquarters of the Fleet are located on the 7th battleship 'MACROSS' class . Along the way the Fleet encounters of the Barauta. And then in the following year, 2046 A.D. In a sector of the combat zone the story begins.. Note: This series is very different from the rest of the Macross series. Its plot is not focused on space combat; in fact mechas don't appear in the story at all. Instead the story revolves around a sport called 'air blading' (it's pretty similar to the Airgear manga), using the Macross universe as a context.

Madofuki Park

The story is set in the year 2050, in a place called Sky City Tokyo. The main character, Park, is a window cleaner. If you've ever experienced those street windshield washers that descend upon your car when you stop at a red light, you can imagine what Park does for a living. Except worse, because in Sky City Tokyo, the cars travel in mid-air! How does a window cleaner become a hero?

B-12's Moon Glow

B-12's Moon Glow summary: B-12's Moon Glow summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of B-12's Moon Glow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars

De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars summary: De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour

Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour summary: Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Si Klegg

Si Klegg summary: Si Klegg summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Si Klegg. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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