








简介知名女模真实身份竟是女装大佬? 身负数个代言,郁一直被当“女性”。 随着进入青春期,他开始对青梅竹马萌生了特殊的感情,而对方却一直把他当成gay蜜…作者:郭晓(编)&秃头老咸(绘)/春风画社,每周四更新~














简介凡田夏之介是一名高中毕业就加入职棒,年薪1800万的选手,靠着左侧投这项独特的武器,他即使混得不上不下,仍有口饭吃。 而在他眼中,职棒选手都是可以用钱去衡量的!年薪就代表着职棒选手的地位,即使当季表现再良好的选手,只要年薪不如自己,仍会被凡田瞧不起。透过这平凡的职棒选手,职棒不为人知的另外一面即将被被揭露










内容简介:金香玉18岁如愿的嫁给了自己的青梅竹马风紫阳。本以为自家夫君是因为媒妁之言才娶了自己,但没想心里到还没来得及多愁善感,身体就已经被被调教得离不开他了。那么误会解开后就能安心在家相夫教子 了吧。但是想要个包子怎么那么艰难啊,555555。既然老天您都说了这是命中注定的,那么可不可以赐我副好身体,不然这样下去真的要被玩坏啦。(单纯的想吃肉开的坑,无逻辑不要较真)(1v1甜宠无节操)争取每天至少一更(固定午时),周末尽量加更吧。另外看心情(把珍珠、收藏、还有评论砸向我吧)和存稿不定时上菜。随手建了个群,想喝茶聊天催稿要TXT的加。暗号书名。Q532348189。(封面网图,侵权即删)推荐地址:1w0-82060 >>


内容简介:退婚当日,她给他算了一卦——大凶。于是,果真大凶。身着军装叱咤风云的他,因此“大凶”,成了她的顶头上司。一场退婚风云,一场隐婚历程,一场追妻之旅。他视她为掌心至宝,她却避他如洪水猛兽。 事实证明——这个人,这段情,是你的,那就——必须躲不过啊!楚凉夏永远也想不到,兜兜转转,她还是嫁给了他。一纸合约,一张结婚证,一个俊雅腹黑的男人,从此,楚凉夏开始了自己的隐婚生活。合约如下:一、婚后生活,各不干扰。二、亲戚朋友面前,该装的,那还得装;三、同居期间,互帮互助,以和为贵;四、……此合约,讲究公平公正的原则,绝对合理、互惠互利。楚凉夏很满意。但——结婚没多久,楚凉夏便悲催的发现,自己被坑了!那个衣冠楚楚的冷峻军少呢,怎么就成了个无耻的衣冠禽兽?!擦,脸呢?!【坑剧场一】婚前的生活——认真工作;认真相亲;认真坑蒙拐骗。婚后的生活——狠斗极品;智斗小三;勇斗家中那位爷!于是——楚凉夏爆发了!“我要离婚!”狠狠拍桌,楚凉夏手持桃花剑,直抵男人下巴。封子珩脸色一黑,一纸合同糊她脸上,“敢离婚,打断你腿!”【坑剧场二】晚上十点。楚凉夏手脚麻利的低头收摊。“算个命。”头顶声音飘来,冷得很。“收摊了!”楚凉夏头也不抬。“十倍价钱。”那声音强调。“成交……”楚凉夏欢喜地抬眼,可在瞥见来人后,笑容立即僵住,“再见。”抱着神棍必备道具,楚凉夏转身就跑!然——身后伸出一只手,揪住她的衣领。“这位爷,看您面相极佳,咱俩相遇算缘分,给您免个费如何?”楚凉夏一脸假兮兮的真诚。“再敢摆摊,扣两个月工资!”某位爷冷着脸开口。“……”某楚秒怂。下一秒,直接被丢上车。【坑剧场三】深夜。被压在床上的楚凉夏,抓住某位爷的衣领抗议。“合同上没这要求!”“也没禁止。”某位爷理所当然。“你个禽兽!”“楚凉夏,你果然天真。”某位爷冷笑。“……”于是,扑倒!本文又名《我是神算我怕谁》、《我家娘子会算命》、《兵哥哥该如何挽救媳妇的封建思想》、《剪刀手一波三折的成名史》、《爱上无耻军少该肿么破》,等。男主军人出身,霸道总裁一枚。女主歌手出身,神棍一枚(伪),有正经职业,后期当红明星。一对一,婚恋暖文,半娱乐圈,主打温暖搞笑的爱情故事,欢迎跳坑。PS:本文神棍设定乃虚构,一切纯靠作者YY,不涉及歪门邪道思想,不牵扯怪力乱神,请勿考究。1w0-29144 >>


内容简介:【重生爽文,男强女强,甜宠,团宠,马甲,娱乐圈,萌宝,天才】前世,慕以晴被亲妹妹折磨,被未婚夫羞辱丢弃,活埋在乱葬岗。奇迹般重生,她左手撕渣男,右手虐白莲,架要打爽,靠山要抱牢。裴瑾辞 ,权势惊人的裴爷,她老公,宠她上天,视她如命。林尧,医学界赫赫有名的骨科专家,她大哥。林卓,排行榜第一的黑客大神,她二哥。林漠,特种兵精英,她三哥。“小晴,只要你一声,哥哥们随叫随到,时刻听命。”意外收获两个天才儿子1w0-82807 >>




内容简介:一觉醒来,赵松梦穿成了闵玧琪同人文里的恶毒作死女配。女配的下场很凄惨——被身为男主的闵玧琪和女主赵冰真108种花样吊打。最后身败名裂,退出娱乐圈,自杀身亡。赵松梦变成那个倒霉蛋后,为了 不被炮灰,她自觉地远离男女主,甚至还打算抱根粗金大腿保护自己。闵玧琪拍拍自己的大腿,来,哥的大腿给你抱,哥罩着你。赵松梦:???赵松1w0-27464 >>



Ohisama Company

From Perfect Illusions: Asahi, a girl, falls for Kaoru, a music freak, who happens to be oblivious to girls. At the moment, he has his heart set on buying his dream guitar but isn't old enough to hold a stable job. Asahi agrees to help him buy this guitar because she wants to get closer to him and give him the chance to get to know her. Will he be able to break his sole love for guitar and give Asahi the chance?

Castle Mango

Sequel to the novel River's End. Yorozu Shirosaki is a normal highschooler, following the normal routine of studying to stay at school on scholarship, and sometimes help out running the love hotel left to his family by his deceased father. Yozoru was told by his father that love hotels are to 'nuture love. and love wins over everything'. Yozoru was content with his life and aspiring to one day run his own love hotel, but then he meets Togame, an AV director, who throws his everyday life for a spin...

Spray King

In the city named Kotobuki, there is a rumor of a man who defeats bad people and only leave the giant, beautiful graffiti in the scene. Since no one has ever seen that man in person, they called him 'Spray King.' Kuroda Miu, a photography student in an art academy and part-time photographer for one of the weekly magazine, wants to capture Spray King onto her photograph in order to create a good scoop in the magazine. One day, she met with Tanaka Torateru, a boy who just entered the academy but wasn't that good in art. How could the meeting of the two lead to the 'truth' about the city they lived in and about the hero in the shadow named Spray King? (fSource Ju-da-su)

Mazinger Angel

Mazinger Angels chronicles the adventures of four women who pilot giant robots in the Mazinger vein. The concept is a spoof on the late 70's and early 80's popular TV series Charlie's Angels. Three of the robots, Aphrodite A, Diana A and Minerva X are from the original Mazinger Z series, while Venus A is from the Great Mazinger series. Their pilots are also traditional characters from Go Nagai's universe, Sayaka Yumi and Jun Hono from Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger respectively, and Hikaru Makiba and Maria Fleed from Grendizer. The style of the manga highlights the sex appeal of both the characters and the mechas, sometimes similarly to the way Aika's female characters are shown. (taken from wikipedia)

Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem

Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem summary: Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conan Pastiche - Hawks Over Shem. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd

Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd summary: Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Return Of The God Level Assassin

The Return Of The God Level Assassin summary: As soon as Luo Yan graduated, he immediately got an offer from a prestigious gaming company. He thought all his hard work finally paid off. And he would finally reach the pinnacle of life. But then, on his first day of work, a potted plant fell on his head and he died.
Surprisingly, when he thought he would cross the Yellow River, he suddenly woke up and found himself in the body of a 17 year old boy. This body had the same name as him but completely different background. Because the original was the second young master of the Luo family — one of the most powerful family in S City.
Luo Yan almost cried. G.o.d probably took pity on him and decided to give him a loving family with a wealthy background. He didn’t have to work hard anymore. Studying like his life depended on it and pretending to be a holy father just to cater to people.
So Luo Yan decided to be a salted fish and just shamelessly sell meng.
A certain male G.o.d who always bought Luo Yan’s meng: Yan Yan is so cute! Why is Yan Yan so cute?
Cold faced on the outside, a cinammon roll on the inside Gong X Super beautiful, black-belly Shou.


Science/Magic summary: Science/Magic summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Science/Magic. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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